It’s a haul to get there from the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower, but it’s possible. You’ll find the geoglyph of Sonia’s headstone on the southwestern shore of Lake Hylia. Dragon Tear location: In the flowers on the left side of the headstone.Tear of the Dragon #10 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon You’ll find this geoglyph depicting a Secret Stone toward the north of the peninsula in the Talus Plateau. You’re aiming for the Lodrum Headland peninsula to the north-northeast.

Head for the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower all the way on the east side of Hyrule or to Sihajog or Mayanas Shrine in the South Lanayru Sky Archipelago. Dragon Tear location: Along the outer curve of the stone along the northern edge.Tear of the Dragon #9 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon Head to the Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower or Taninoud Shrine to get there. The geoglyph depicting Ganondorf’s transformation into the Demon King Ganon is found in the far north of the North Tabantha Snowfield - near where you can collect Zelda’s golden horse. Dragon Tear location: In the decorations on Ganon(dorf)’s cloak near his right elbow.Tear of the Dragon #8 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon Bring along some stamina elixirs and food to help you get there. The Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower and Kumamayn Shrine will both get you close, but your’e going to have a long flight ahead of you. Dragon Tear location: Along the northeastern edge in the dagger’s hilt (crossguard, technically).Īll the way in the southeast of Hyrule, you’ll find a Gerudo scimitar-shaped peninsula and this Gerudo scimitar geoglyph.Tear of the Dragon #7 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon It’s close to the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower, but it’s much easier to drop down on it from Mayasiar Shrine. You’ll find the geoglyph of Sonia on the western edge of Hyrule Ridge. Dragon Tear location: On the right side, towards the bottom of of Sonia’s hair.Tear of the Dragon #6 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon It’s about halfway between the Gerudo Canyon and Gerudo Highlands Skyview Towers, so either will get you there. The geoglyph depicting a kneeling Ganondorf is found in the Gerudo Highlands along the northern edge of the Gerudo Desert. Dragon Tear location: On a high cliff on Ganondorf’s shoulder.Tear of the Dragon #5 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon You won’t be able to see the tear location from the sky, since the trees blocks your view. Dragon Tear location: In a copse of trees along the Molduga’s back.Įither the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower or Gutanbac Shrine on the Great Sky Island will get you close to the geoglyph of a Molduga.Tear of the Dragon #4 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon Head to Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower or Kadaunar Shrine and then fly south-southeast toward the Lanayru Wetlands to find the geoglyph depicting Zelda’s Purah Pad. Dragon Tear location: Toward the top of the Purah Pad screen.Tear of the Dragon #3 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon The fastest way to get to this geoglyph, which depicts Rauru and Sonia’s castle, is to launch yourself out of the Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower and head northwest. Dragon Tear location: At the top of the gatehouse in the center of the castle.Tear of the Dragon #2 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Find Impa in the field to start the “Impa and the Geoglyphs” quest to locate the geoglyph and unlock your first Memory.

To get there, head to Sinakawak Shrine and New Serenne Stable, then head north. The first geoglyph you’ll find depicts Rauru. Dragon Tear location: In Rauru’s left eye.Tear of the Dragon #1 Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon The geoglyphs depict various figures, items, and places from Hyrule’s history, which are related to the Memory each glyph unlocks. There are 11 geoglyphs around Hyrule’s Surface and 12 Tears of the Dragon Memories to find - the 12th Dragon Tear is not associated with a geoglyph and only shows up when you’ve found the other 11.