
Twitter shrimp tails cinnamon toast crunch
Twitter shrimp tails cinnamon toast crunch

The brand initially said they weren't tails but rather 'an accumulation of the cinnamon sugar.' General Mills told Insider an investigation was launched into the incident. Completely gas-lighted him. Guys we got the latest developments, we got memes. Harmenings interview comes the day after a comedians claims of finding shrimp tails inside a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch from Costco was shared widely on social media. Jensen Karp said he found two shrimp tails inside a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal on Monday. The company tweeted that it had investigated the photo and come to the conclusion that there were no shrimp tails in Karp’s cereal box after all. What are ya going to do? By now you’ve probably seen the CTC drama where Jensen Karp tweeted the viral video of shrimp tails. CTC responded, apologizing for the mishap and offering to replace the box. ET: Cinnamon Toast Crunch has responded to a claim from Jensen Karp that he found shrimp tails in his cereal. The cereal brand owned by General Mills responded via Twitter to Karp, saying that the shrimp-tail-like objects weren’t seafood, but an accumulation of the cinnamon sugar that sometimes. Sometimes life gives ya lemons or hey sometimes life even gives you a box of Cinnamon toast crunch with shrimp tails. COMMENT Image via Getty/Geri Lavrov UPDATED 3/23, 4:44 p.m.

twitter shrimp tails cinnamon toast crunch


Get 15% off our MERCH at Using The Promo Code 'FAMOUS' Show more A Man Finds Shrimp Tails In Cinnamon Toast Crunch Box, Twitter Goes Crazy With Memes | Famous News 01 Cinnamon Toast Crunch Tempura Shrimp AndyLunique/Twitter Chef Andy Lunique ( AndyLunique) was so inspired by the whole Cinnamon Toast Crunch-gate that he created this. Things took a turn, however, after Karp tweeted a picture of said shrimp tails, prompting the Cinnamon Toast Crunch account to send a tweet of its own.

Twitter shrimp tails cinnamon toast crunch